MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 2
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 2).dmg
Serious Demos
Symbolic Composer 4.2
Contributed Scores
Mark Polishook
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104 lines
(setq this '(j j i i i h i i h h g h g e c e c -h a c c))
(setq this-2 (gen-variants-tfc 0.3155557723075617 3 2 this))
(setq this-3 (gen-variants-tfc 0.3155557723075617 7 3 this))
(setq this-4 (append (symbol-transpose -7 (gen-process '(symbol-transpose x y) '(0 4 8 12) '(a b c d))) this))
(setq this-5 (symbol-transpose 2 this-4))
(setq this-6 (symbol-transpose 3 this-4))
(setq this-7 (symbol-transpose -10 (gen-process '(symbol-transpose x y) '(0 4 8 12) '(a b c d))))
(setq pre-this (append '(=) (symbol-transpose -7 (gen-process '(symbol-transpose x y) '(0 4 8) '(a b c d))) '(f)))
(setq pre-this-2 (append '(=) (filter-delete '= (symbol-shuffle pre-this 0.05476137397636194))))
(setq pre-this-3 (symbol-scale '(-h k) pre-this-2))
(setq pre-this-4 (append '(=) (filter-delete '= (symbol-shuffle pre-this 0.33406367516727187))))
(setq pre-this-append (append pre-this-2 pre-this-3 pre-this-4))
(setq pre-this-5 (append '(=) (filter-delete '= (symbol-shuffle pre-this 0.06785317219328))))
(setq pre-this-6 (symbol-transpose 2 (filter-delete '= (symbol-shuffle pre-this 0.3138978399365442))))
(setq pre-this-7 (symbol-shuffle (symbol-transpose 1 (symbol-scale '(-e l) pre-this-6)) 0.030142582632834092))
(setq pre-this-append-2 (append pre-this-5 pre-this-6 pre-this-7))
(setq that '(a c e c f e g a c e c f e g f))
(setq that-2 (gen-variants-tfc 0.3155557723075617 5 2 that))
(setq that-3 (symbol-transpose 4 (gen-variants-tfc 0.03869143400515895 0 -2 that)))
(setq that-4 (symbol-transpose 4 (gen-variants-tfc 0.3155557723075617 0 -2 that)))
(setq that-5 (symbol-transpose 4 that))
(defsym a '(a c e c f e g a c e c f e g f))
(defsym b '(e g i g j i k e g i g j i k j))
(setq that-6 (gen-trans a 3))
(setq that-7 (symbol-transpose 4 that-6))
(setq that-8 (gen-trans a 4)) (length that-8)
(setq that-9 (symbol-transpose 4 that-6))
(setq this-l '(1/4 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/8))
(setq this-l-2 (append (gen-repeat 16 '(1/16)) this-l))
(setq pre-this-l (append '(5/4) (gen-repeat 12 '(1/16)) '(5/4)))
(setq pre-this-l-2 (append '(5/4) (gen-repeat 12 '(1/16))))
(setq pre-this-l-repeat (gen-repeat 3 pre-this-l-2))
(setq pre-this-l-append (append pre-this-l-2 (gen-repeat 24 '(1/16)) '(5/4)))
vln (list '(=) that-2 '(=) that that-6 '(=) that-8 (reverse that-8))
cello (list '(=) that-3 that-5 that-7 '(=) that-9 (reverse that-9))
rh (list this this-2 this this pre-this '(=) this-4 this-5 pre-this-append pre-this-append-2 this-4 this-5 this-6
this-7 this-6)
vln '(1/8)
cello '(1/8)
rh (list this-l this-l this-l this-l pre-this-l this-l this-l-2 this-l-2 pre-this-l-repeat pre-this-l-append
this-l-2 this-l-2 this-l-2 '(1/16) this-l-2)
vln '(-16/1 75/8 -49/8 60/8 212/8 -13/4 226/8 226/8)
cello '(-24/1 60/8 60/8 212/8 -13/4 226/8 226/8)
rh '(4/1 15/1 4/1 8/1 6/1 -1/1 10/1 10/1 6/1 19/4 10/1 10/1 5/1 4/1 10/1)
vln '(36)
cello '(36)
rh '(60)
vln (activate-tonality (mixolydian a 5))
cello (activate-tonality (mixolydian a 4))
rh (activate-tonality (mixolydian a 4))
(def-tempo 112)
(compile-instrument-p "ccl;output:" "herrick.5th.part"
; (gen-noise-white 10 1.0 0.5)
; (- (make-zone '(-24/1 60/8) :ratio) (make-zone (zone-of rh) :ratio))